As you all know this WIPE was completely unexpected for all of us and much more for me,
that’s why I decided a part of last months payments will return in players accounts.
(Paypal Scammer Excluded and Blacklisted).
in Some Days we Enable PRE-Account Registration, in this time players can prepare his accounts for the new beginning.
in Control Panel exist a new Option : Payment Recovery
in this page players can request to get back on new account a part of his last months payments for the last 6 months.
What i mean? below i give a Example:
in the last 6 Months a player make payment for 10 Euro every month start on October,
he can request and get back in his account the Follow Amounts.
10 Euro in March get back 100% = +10 Euro
10 Euro in Feb get back 100% = +10 Euro
10 Euro in Jan get back 60% = +6 Euro
10 Euro in Dec get back 30% = +3 Euro
10 Euro in Nov get back 20% = +2 Euro
10 Euro in Oct get back 10% = +1 Euro
Summary in his account will be credited 32 euro
this is a automatical process complete by the player
our system request some payment details like
Paypal Email
Transaction Id
Date of the Payment
Payment Amount
something like that exist for Paysafe Card and PaymentWall Payments.
A new wonderful Season begins, be ready for epic battles !!!!

Admin Zeus !!!

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